Before you embark on your weight loss plan, get to know
the three most influential hormones that are crucial to slimming down—
and how to get them on your side.
Produced in your stomach, ghrelin is your hunger hormone. If you skip
a meal, your ghrelin levels rise and make you ravenous, making it
nearly impossible for you to resist the next food item you see. For
these reasons, skipping breakfast to shave some calories off the day is a
big mistake if you’re on the weight loss train; ghrelin is high in the
morning after you’ve fasted all night, so you really need to fuel
yourself first thing to keep it in check.
And fueling with the right food is just as important as fueling, period: A study published in the journal Clinical Science
showed that a high protein meal lowers ghrelin levels significantly
more than meals high in fat and carbohydrates. So focus on a
high-protein breakfast, such as casein and whey-free protein shakes, and
veggie omelettes. And don’t stop at breakfast— aim to get at least 20
grams of protein at lunch and dinner to keep ghrelin low after each
Leptin is your helpful sidekick on the weight loss journey; you want
no shortage of this hormone if your goal is to drop a pant size or two.
It’s an appetite suppressor, telling you when to stop eating. But a
little known fact about leptin is that this hormone’s effects in our
bodies decrease with age. The older we get, the more likely we are to
have leptin resistance, which is when our bodies don’t respond to
leptin’s signals (so your brain doesn’t get the message to stop eating).
To raise your levels of leptin and increase your sensitivity to this
hormone, eat a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids and boost your intake of
foods that contain Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which has been shown to
stimulate the production of leptin. Try wild salmon, mackerel, and
sardines. Lack of sleep also lowers leptin and increases ghrelin,
bringing on the urge to eat more, so be sure to get at least seven and a
half hours of shuteye.
Stress and cortisol go hand in hand, and cortisol and belly fat go
hand in hand. Anytime you’re faced with a stressful situation, your body
pumps out cortisol to meet the challenge. Cortisol encourages your body
to hold on to visceral fat— that spare tire around your waist— and it
also drives you toward sweet and salty foods to quell the tension you
feel (they release pleasure-inducing chemicals in the brain).
To counteract cortisol’s fat-storing effects, cut down on your coffee
consumption and steer totally clear of it when you’re feeling stressed.
Caffeine taps your adrenal glands to release cortisol, which can be
helpful before an interview or big presentation since it sharpens your
focus. But when you mix caffeine with stress, your cortisol levels jump
higher and stay high for longer.
One study out of the University of Oklahoma showed that consuming 2
and a half to 3 cups of coffee while under mild stress caused cortisol
to jump 25 percent— and remain high for 3 hours. Another
cortisol-lowering tip: Make it a point to surround yourself with
positive people who make you laugh! Simply anticipating a laugh has been
shown to lower cortisol levels.
Once you understand how these three hormones work, you can make it
easier for your body to drop excess weight, and suddenly your weight
loss quest becomes less painful for you. Why starve if it’s just going
to raise your ghrelin levels and make it harder to resist bad food
choices? And why not find more time for that funny friend if she’s a
secret weight loss weapon?
As you move forward with your healthier intentions this year, the
most important thing is that you believe you deserve to look and feel
better. You deserve that leaner body, a more nutritious diet, a
healthier heart, better energy and the many other gifts that come from
making and honoring that commitment to yourself. Only good will flow
from there.
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